Area 5
M.S. Core Courses
- CS 520 - Advanced Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 525 - Computational Complexity
Ph.D. Qualifier Core Courses
- CS 510 - Formal Specification of Language
- CS 520 - Advanced Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 525 - Computational Complexity
Elective Courses
- CS 410 - Compiler Construction
- CS 420 - Algorithm Design
- CS 422 - Automata Theory
- CS 426 - Discrete Mathematics II
- CS 512 - Design of Language Processors
- CS 522 - Advanced Automata Theory
- CS 722 - Advanced Theory of Computing
- CS 725 - Computability and Recursive Function Theory
- CS 727 - Information Dissemination
- CS 791x - Combinatorial Optimization
- CS 591B/791K - Network Optimization
- CS 726 - Algorithmic Graph Theory
- CS 677 - Pattern Recognition
- CS 623 - String Algorithms
- CS 691H/791 - Fixed Parameter Algorithms
- CS 791x - Approximation Algorithms
- CS 791G - Randomized Algorithms